Find your own way forward and be you.
I am a qualified registered integrative therepeutic counsellor and I started my journey as a bereavement and pre and post cancer support counsellor.
Grief is a void that will never be filled, a space in your life that you must somehow continue to live on with. Loss is one of hardest aspects of life itself, and I offer you a space to grieve the spectrum of feelings that flow though each and every loss.
I help by offering to hold the difficult emotions and moving through with you at your own pace, no burden, no judgement.
I myself started training after many losses, so I am passionate about supporting the hardest part of life.
You will learn to sit with it and heal in your own way. Grief can change you. Therefore, you may realize that you are not the person you used to be.
"When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person that walked in. That's what the storm is all about," Haruki Murakami.
It's ok to feel...
I am a qualified Advanced level 5 CYP (children and young people) practitioner. My experience is both through my personal life, work experience in schools and hospice, running psychoeducational groups and training. It has enabled me to offer effective individualized counselling to adults, children and adolescents 9 years old and over.
I have worked with a variety of concerns; including confidence, low self esteem, anxiety, depression, identity issues, sexual assault and abuse, bullying, coping with parents separation and divorce, complex family issues, support for neurodiversity, managing mental health conditions, bereavement, exam stress, young pregnancy, friendship issues and relationships.
As a parent myself, I can see all the levels of help this age group need, and how crucial it is that Children & Young People (CYP) are offered the support they need so that they can flourish with the rest of their life and have some grounding. I can see that it is necessary and important for CYP to have support beyond their parents in order to grow. Often CYP suffer alone, as there just isn't enough resource and funding to support the mental health of our young people. I want to offer long term support, which is sadly not on offer due to the sparce spread of school resources and overwhelmed mental health services with endless waiting lists and 6 session limits.
Please take a look at my working creatively section.
Be yourself...
I have a special interest in anxiety and trauma. Feelings that lead to a belief that your world is like wearing tinted green spectacles - that your perspective has been affected by events in your life beyond your control. Trauma can very much change who we are. The process can even take control of our lives, our relationships, and the ways we cope. By safely talking through your trauma, you can start to gain back some control over your life and see things as part of a whole rather than through tunnel vision. The emotions pushing down the pain, that can drive your life and force you to repeat unhealthy patterns, can be released.
By opening up in a safe, confidential space, you can feel relief from knowing what has happened to you does not define you or the rest of your life.
You have a voice...
Follow the yellow brick road counselling Essex
Email; lynette.priest@followtheyellowbrickroadcounsellingessex.co.uk
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